Gemini wisdom, gemini medicine

We’re in Gemini season so I want to muse on some Gemini wisdom here. Gemini has a very horizontal architecture. I like to call it neutral-positive curious. Gemini gathers and disseminates information but in a fairly superficial, non-linear, chasing what catches their interest, kind of way. Kind of like trivia or local gossip.

Gemini is ok with holding many points of view. Or, many truths. The reason for this is that Gemini doesn’t attach to one thing being true or one thing being forever. Just neutral-positive curious about everything. Everything gets the benefit of the doubt that it has a validity.

The energy of Gemini is very open, adaptable, willing to find the perspective or wording that makes anything workable/believable. For another archetype, this can seem very tricksy or lacking in a moral compass.

Gemini often gets stereotyped as being too emotionally detached or for “pathologically” disassociating BUT because it *can* do this, it can hold multiple truths, even multiple realities, at once.

And this is medicine. Because in some ways we are forced to adapt in a Gemini fashion. This is a world of profound, complex, intense, hyper- saturated data input. We receive data from the entire global community through practically infinite 24/7 feeds and streams.

So if we can learn to skillfully disassociate and, without attachment, hold multiple truths, it helps us with this massive overload. Otherwise we glitch. We get smothered. Overwhelmed. Our mental and emotional circuits trip.

This is a brave new world of fake news, myriad truths, and the fragmenting of consensus reality.

The multiple truths we can hold are: The world is not safe. I am safe. I have to do something. I don’t know what to do. Some lives are shattered. My life is untouched. Life is brutal. Life is beautiful. This world feels doomed. I am hopeful for the future.

Gemini medicine is mastering the brain, instead of being bested by it. The mind as magician, not trickster.

The same brain that can spin and future trip and doom loop (trickster) can ALSO invent and hope and self soothe and imagine something better and consciously choose helpful thoughts.

Gemini medicine is realizing we can choose high quality, helpful, thoughts.

Yes, you can choose your thoughts. No, you don’t have to accept the thoughts your brain wants to feed you.

Choose intentional thoughts that get you your desired results, not thoughts that keep you stuck.

Gemini wisdom, magician wisdom is: our thoughts create our results.

Yes, this will feel like cheating on your current self-concept. (Humans like consistency and homeostasis.)

But, Gemini wisdom, here to save the day again: inconsistency is not a problem.

Inconsistency is (if you think about it) the necessary and inevitable precursor to transformation.

Yes, inconsistency precedes and initiates all transformation. Whaaaat?!

Mercury is a psychopomp - he moves in and out of the Plutonian underworld, and like Pluto, has wisdom around endings and descents. Let yourself fragment. Let yourself come together - but a new version. Gemini knows that falling apart is the beginning of building something better.

Gemini: the faster you burn through any truth or idea the faster you get access to higher quality ones. Rinse and repeat. Create ideas. Destroy them. There’s an infinity of new ones, better ones, other ones. The more we practice destroying, the more we practice creating.

Your mind is where you live. Gemini says, redecorate often. Invite odd guests. Move to a new mindset, if the old one grows old.

Gemini detachment is also medicine. Again, skillfully. But in an increasingly dystopian world, it is a relief to be less attached to expectation, outcome, even to our own importance, legacy, survival.

Gemini - the mutable, endless, motion of this sign is medicine. How do we survive tragedy, heartbreak, disillusionment, loss?

Gemini says, Just Keep Moving. Just Keep Iterating. Just Keep Shape-shifting. Just Keep Letting Go.

In some ways, a dystopia is simply a world where the pace of entropy has increased uncomfortably.

In the immortal words of Octavia Butler,

“All that you touch. You Change. All that you Change Changes you. The only lasting truth is Change. God is Change.”

Cold comfort perhaps.

Gemini wisdom - curious, playful, child-like.

Gemini - this is skill to move it and out of this energy. We can’t stay in this detached, free-floating, prismatic, reality-the-texture-of-putty place forever, but it’s medicine to be able to access it, to touch it, to use it with intention.

The polarity of Gemini is Sagittarius - where Gemini is fine with many truths, Sagittarius quests for the one ultimate truth.

Where Gemini is cool and detached, Sagittarius is perhaps over-attached, over-enthusiastic, over-hopeful. When Gemini feels too cold, move to the warmth of Sagittarius.

I’m figuring this out along with all of you - take what works, leave the rest.


the hypocrisy of big feelings


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