Pluto transits

Chances are if you're in your mid thirties to early forties, you're in the vicinity of a Pluto transit.

Pluto transits usually/sometimes/often involve loss.

It's rare with a Pluto transit that we give up all the things Pluto is asking us to let go of willingly. Usually, there's a few things that get ripped from our hands.

It's always stood out for me that for a god that brings such extreme change and death (aka loss, not literal death), Pluto would co-rule a fixed sign: Scorpio.

Fixed signs are about maintaining shit, about keeping things going as they are. Just to put my physicist hat on for a second (oh yes, I have a real life science degree in astrophysics! I know the calculus, bitches), fixed signs have predictable inertia of motion.

The other signs correspond to projectile/centrifugal motion (cardinal) and chaotic/sinusoidal (mutable). (Fixed would be centripetal/balanced forces.)

OK LECTURE OVER. (Also, ur welcome) My point is: why is fixed energy associated with Pluto??

I think it's because: yes Pluto will destroy and take away and it will be intense and none of that feels remotely "fixed." Fixed is supposed to be chill, predictable, enduring?! But - the kicker is - whatever turmoil Pluto brings - it's irrevocable.

That's the fixed part of it: the CHANGE itself is fixed. If Pluto touches it, there's no going back. No takebacks, no working hard to restore the previous conditions.

You cannot just give Pluto things you are comfortable giving away. Pluto isn't interested in it UNLESS you're deeply attached to it. Can you do a bunch of non-attachment work and outwit Pluto this way?

It's a thought. You can FOR SURE start stripping away the things that no longer serve - the low hanging fruit of what has needed to be lost/left behind for a while now.

Irrevocable loss. Even violation - things taken by force.

I think of the Kore-Hades myth. Shall I share it? I'll share: Hades (aka Pluto) wants a bride, and he chooses Persephone, daughter of Demeter. He kidnaps her into the Underworld. Demeter is distraught and pissed and being the goddess of agriculture/fertility, causes the earth to go barren.

It's a problem, people begin to die. So Zeus intervenes and a deal is made that Persephone spends half the year with Hades (fall/winter) and half with her mother (spring/summer).

I think it's easy to be like, damn, Pluto, what a bad guy! But also - what does it mean for a mother to be so protective and overbearing of her child? Is that ok? Or - is it harmful to keep our child from the world and from the blossoming of their independence overlong?

Did Hades actually do Kore a favor? She goes down a helpless maiden, she comes up a Queen.

This is where the Pluto stuff gets a little tricky - because the means Pluto uses are often not agreeable, fair, or even palatable to someone strongly moralistic - but do they serve our growth and our empowerment in the end? Well...yes, they do.

Do we come into our power "aesthetically" or through violation and loss? Or a little of column A and a little of column B?

What are you willing to let go of? What would it be very hard to lose?

And after loss - what would be possible? Could something grow in the space the loss created?

Per this myth, there is a sense that the loss changes things irrevocably. After all, Demeter never got Kore the maiden back - she got Persephone, queen of the underworld. And she never got her back full time. And - the way that crops grew - also, never the same - all of a sudden, crops grew seasonally.

The change, the transformations, they were complex, bittersweet maybe. But also - not ultimately destructive. Not purely bad. Adjustments, to be sure.

I am really really hesitant to speak in a more definitive way on loss and violation. There is the pull to gloss it over with meaning and promises that the future will be brighter than the past.

The truth is - I don't think every loss creates a fertile space for new life to bloom. Some losses just leave barren voids.

So here I am with my mind on my Pluto transit and my Pluto transit on my mind. I'm just a girl, standing in front of her Pluto transit, asking him to make her the queen of the underworld.

Was this a very compelling read for you? You might be interested in having some astro-chats with me, where we can put my mind on YOUR transits, and you can see what planetary myth(s) might be relevant for you.


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