astrology single mingle
astro speed dating!
2+ hours
10 min astrology reading (a recording is sent to you at least 24 hours before the event) + speed dating and open mingle at a night venue
Date/time/cost: TBD
Location: a night venue in Denver, CO
How it works:
This is for singles ages 30-45, who are into astrology!
This is a real life social event. It is 1 hour of speed dating rotation and 1 hour+ of open mingle, held at a night venue in Denver, CO.
Use the info you learned about yourself astrologically to start conversations! Conversation prompts will also be offered.
The intention is that you are looking for relationships, both social and romantic. You can share your contact info with as many people as you like!
Additional details:
Please review the rules/orientation sent to you when you register before arriving.
Please be on time! Please wear a mask or (preferably) reschedule if you are feeling ill.
You may meet your future partner, but this is also for expanding your social network and creating community - be open to different types of relationships. :)
For the astrology, an accurate birth TIME is ideal but not necessary! Birth times can be found on long form birth certificates.