I get it - astrology and Human Design do not have a mainstream psychology seal of approval. They’re “unscientific.” And yet - I use them, and not only do I use them, they are the modalities that both myself and my clients find the most helpful.

I don’t use these tools the same way pop astrologers do! Here’s more on why and how I use them. I DO NOT use them as:

~ spiritual or religious systems

~ divination or prediction tools

~ performance or entertainment gimmicks

One of the critical ways that astrology and Human Design bolster my work is that they help me - and you - better decipher and discover your (and your child/partner's):

1) VALUES (what is important to you, what you'll fight/stand up/negotiate for)

2) PRINCIPLES (the code you aspire to live by - and expect of others as well)

3) DESIRES (the real, juicy ones - not what you've been conditioned to want by capitalism + media)

4) NEEDS (it's pretty interesting how we think our needs would be obvious to us, but we've actually been suppressing them since childhood and now we're actually out of touch!)

5) FEELINGS (and more specifically and helpfully, how you relate to and express feelings, especially uncomfortable ones - and which feelings you're pre-disposed to find uncomfortable)

6) IDENTITY (what beliefs and stories you have about yourself and your life that you - likely unconsciously - don't want to let go of because we're as afraid - or more - of ego death than we are of literal death!)

7) WORLDVIEW (how you think the world works, what you think the point of life is, possibly ethics/morals/spirituality inclinations as well)

8 ) SURVIVAL MECHANISMS (what you're doing to feel safe and protected, what you think helps you survive, whether its conscious, and whether it's maladaptive or life-enriching)

9) EXISTENTIAL + LINEAGE WOUNDING (the wounds and protective mechanisms around the wounding that you may be unconscious of because it's so painful, even though the protective mechanisms might be mysteriously short-circuiting parts of your life)

Once we've clarified these things, we can work on the generative parts:


~clearing blocks + patterns,

~communicating ourselves to others + vice versa,

~self-support skill-building,

~self-appropriate strategies,

~therapeutic risk-taking,

~updating narratives,

~creating new frameworks,

~informed prioritizing,

~values-driven decision making,

~healthier relating + relationships,

~authentic parenting,

~negotiating your thriving within greater systems


What astrology + Human Design boil down to in my work: extremely useful + helpful "deep" data.