A mother’s day musing

A mother's day musing:


Reading Martin Shaw: "As I have aged, I assess myself more by what I was able to put down for the good of others than by what I have amassed. I remain incomplete, I understand lack."


This idea of lack and incompleteness as the things to be with, instead of chasing abundance (ugh this word, almost as bad as manifestation) or even, even, even "sufficiency."


To assess yourself more by what you were able to put down for the good of others than what you have amassed.


Perhaps my central conflict these days is between myself as self and myself as mother.


And as a mother, what I put down for the good of my children.


Wondering if remaining incomplete and lacking in my own desires is so bad after all. What am I really trying to amass and why?


We are so tuned into what we don't have and obsessed with procuring it.


But what would happen if we began to wonder about all the things we should be putting down? A shedding vs. an accumulating energy?


Even if we don't necessarily *want to,* what are we *able to* put down?


Everything about mothering is not necessarily *wanting to* but becoming able.


Mothers, may you becoming increasingly able. May you deepen and expand. Maybe our capacities grow not through struggling to hold on, but through struggling to let go.


May our lack and our incompleteness be things we love, and learn from, and even things that feed us, fill our bellies, fill our hearts. Things that are part of our true names.


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