

Ready to do some modern mind magic?

You’re getting tired of waiting for things to change.

You’re sensing you might be trapped in a flatline life. It’s an ok life. But increasingly, you’re sensing - and this sensing is growing into a full-blown knowing - there’s more.

You’re beginning to wonder if, maybe, after all, in the words of Taylor Swift, it’s me, hi, I’m the problem, it’s me.

It’s becoming harder to dismiss things as flukes or as someone else’s drama. Patterns are emerging and they have one thing in common - you.

There’s also a tingle of excitement - what would happen if you did take responsibility? You’re noticing that thinking about that means something about your strength and integrity - maybe it’s time to claim strength. Claim integrity. Claim agency.

But how?

You’ve been going to therapy for years. You have a lot of insights about why things are the way things are - you know your attachment style, you’ve figured out some ways your needs weren’t understood or met during your childhood.

But implementing those insights and getting real change - that’s where the needle refuses to budge.

You’re doing a lot of rumination these days. You sense that your whole system, body, conscious mind, unconscious mind, heart, intuition, are trying to figure this out.

You’re thinking about what’s next, second-guessing everything, questioning yourself, spinning up to panic at times, or feeling stuck in a freeze or fawn response at others. The issue is hard to pin down, it feels big and overwhelming.

You don’t know what to do but you know you have to do something.

Is this how the caterpillar feels when it’s time to turn into a butterfly?

That’s exactly what we’ll explore in our time together.

4 sessions (50 min ea) // Tuition: $450

Maybe there’s a sense that some things are weighing you down, like the resentment you feel towards your co-parent around the divorce, or the way your partner always does that thing that makes you feel small, or the increasing sense of drudgery outweighing your enjoyment of your work.

There’s a sense that the world is changing and you’re getting left behind. Almost a sense of existential anxiety.

Maybe you find yourself taking inventory of your own life more and more often, wishing more and more often, crying more and more often, feeling irritated more and more often.

Or, maybe, you know. You know exactly - and that knowing is calling louder and louder each day.

You know the exact thing that needs changing.

But you’re trying and it’s not changing.

If you could just sit down and write that book, it’s literally overflowing out of your brain, but you can’t seem to actually put all that goodness to paper (or computer screen).

You’re realizing drinking is a bigger crutch than you thought - and what’s worse, as you get older, your body is sending clear signals that it is not a fan of booze. You know you would feel and look so much healthier going sober, but it seems too big to do. Worst of all, you’ve tried before and failed.

You want a life partner so bad, but getting on the dating apps is low-key triggering at this point. You swipe maybe twice before groaning in despair and throwing your phone down. You feel boxed in, what else is there to do? You’ve tried everything!

Maybe you are a parent and you hate parenting. And that is tying you up into knots, taking more and more of your bandwidth just to hold that uncomfortable truth you allowed yourself to speak, and now, you can barely live your life. You want to unspeak it, or integrate it, or something, anything, to stop feeling like a monster, and to make your life lovable again.

Maybe you love everything about your life - except for that one co-worker. Or your child’s schoolteacher. Or your in-laws. Or the town where you live. Or your weight.

This is the moment it all begins to change.

It’s already changing if you’re reading this and wondering about it changing.

That’s how flexible and eager your brain is to create new neural pathways.

(That’s the good news.)

The bad news is, your mind loves things the way they were. It likes the automatic programs you’re running, those pathways that are grooved so deep, you only realize what you’re doing when you’re already halfway down that familiar road.

The best news is: I’m a mind magician and brain changer. And I’m going to make you both of these things too!

I’m trained in a style of coaching that integrates neuroscience at all levels, so that I’m not just doing talk therapy with you and saying insightful things, but I’m helping you re-orient to your mind and brain.

I’m helping your unconscious stop sabotaging everything you consciously say you want.

In this work, we align the conscious and unconscious minds.

We reset the nervous system.

We rewire neural pathways to stop limiting patterns and create new expansive beliefs.

And that one change - this work - is the change from where all other change flows.

That’s why I’m confident that even in as little as four sessions, we can make major paradigm disrupting headway. (And you can renew as many times as desired for longer term disruption!)

As John Overdurf, a teacher in this coaching methodology says:

You never know how far a change will go.

It’s true. Once you realize that the connections the brain makes are like an invasive vine living its best life, tangling up with anything and everything, you’ll see the little changes you make begin to ripple out in unexpected and seriously delightful ways.

I can help you respond differently to triggers, compulsions, cravings, procrastination, emotions, thoughts, memories. When you respond differently, everything changes. You’ll feel differently.

More dopamine will flow through your system.

How you see yourself changes.

How you see the world changes.

How you see life changes.

It’s almost like manifestation except for it’s 100% scientifically researched, brain scan confirmed, millions of client results corroborated, neuroscience.

Best of all? You’re never out-sourcing your inner wisdom to me. This type of coaching doesn’t just coach the conscious mind. We’ll be influencing and resourcing your unconscious just as much as your conscious. I’ll teach you how to contact your intuition, your inner child, your inner sage. You’ll be getting profound answers, clarity and shifts from yourself, not me. I’ll simply facilitate.

Ready? Let’s pull a thread and watch the good change that unspools.

Let’s teach you tons of new techniques, tools, and nerdy brain facts!

Let me show you just how easy, fun, and profound paradigm disruption can be.

4 sessions (50 min ea) // Tuition: $450

Paradigm Shift is where we make changes that previously felt impossible.

And we make them fast.

What if your whole life could change in 4 weeks?

It can. I’ve seen it happen. I’ve felt it happen. It sounded too good to be true until the result repeated itself enough times to feel like status quo.

Even now, do you feel possibility beginning to wiggle old unexamined beliefs loose?

What if everything you thought your brain was offering you as fact was actually much more editorialized and filtered? According to neuroscience, the second is true. Even our memories undergo subtle over-writes every single time we remember them.

I’m going to ask you to, just for the remainder of your time on this page, suspend disbelief.

I’m going to ask you to voluntarily surrender your grip on stories where things were unfair and you were helpless.

I’m asking you to check blame and finger-pointing at the door. Just for now.

These words are a portal. Come with me now.

Imagine a you that…

Imagine a you that is noticing and updating bogus mental programming in real time. You’ve become a brain engineer ninja.

A you that tries on a new way of being with the in-laws. And this new character, this new identity you’ve already practiced being so many times, in your mind, in your dreams (yes, your unconscious is on your side!), creates a new relational dynamic. They react differently to you, because you’re different. You finally feel empowered.

Imagine a you that…

Imagine a you that has access to powerful self-regulation tools, that understands the fundamentals of how brains work, yours and your children’s.

You no longer hate parenting, instead it’s become a fun experiment - you’re constantly evolving your responses to your children, and things are changing. You have tools and techniques, so much so, that you never feel helpless, overwhelmed, or out of options.

You’re growing your skill, your capacity, and you’re full of hope. You see things changing and this means they can change even more. A whole new chapter has begun - you have your life back!

Imagine a you that…

Imagine a you that has learned to neutralize alcohol cravings. Yes, just through using self-directed neuroplasticity (aka neuroscience magic).

And this you has figured out what the booze was doing for you: Supporting social anxiety? Helping you sleep? Taking the edge off over-stimulation? Helping you bear something that sober you couldn’t?

And let’s imagine your own inner wisdom has given you guidance on how to handle that thing without alcohol. And you’re creating the person you need to be to do the thing without alcohol. And it’s working. Your energy and skin are sparkling.

You don’t even feel cravings anymore - at all.

Now, imagine a future where all of these are true (because they will be):

Imagine a you that knows exactly what to do to make tough decisions, even really big, complex, life changing ones where each option has a ton of pros and cons. And when the decision is made, you feel congruent and at ease - there’s no second guessing or revisiting.

Imagine a you that…

Imagine a you that has tools to handle difficult emotions, resulting in a newfound flexibility and freedom. Now you can choose, whether to stay in the feeling and see what it has for you, or to begin to metabolize it into calm, in a matter of minutes. You can reset your nervous system fast, no matter what. It’s a gamechanger.

You notice your nervous system operating on a whole new frequency - is this what life is supposed to be like?! You used to only feel this way for about one hour after a massage! Is this what a regulated nervous system is? WOW.

Imagine a you that…

Imagine a you that relates to your unconscious mind totally differently. You can make any suggestion to your unconscious and know that it will seed and grow. You can ask your inner wisdom any question and feel confident that a response is on its way. And you can feel confident that the response is coming from inner wisdom, from a self that knows more.

Imagine a you that has vast and ready access to resources, to insights, to clarity, to purposeful vision. A you that can visit the ideal future you desire at any time, to gather inspiration and hindsight to share with present you.

Imagine a you that…

Imagine a you that feels unafraid to speak any truth, any problem, any fear - because that speaking is the beginning of your brilliant system doing the work to align your life with that truth, solve that problem, conquer that fear. You know you know how to make big change and possibilities open up.

Imagine a you that feels more agile, more powerful, more skilled.

A you with a more regulated nervous system.

A you with a deeper alignment with your inner wisdom.

A you with more congruence between what you say you want and what your life actually is.

This is what happens after being in this work.

You might be thinking - this sounds too good to be true. Change can’t really happen this fast. I can’t really have all these things.

Your brain is offering you these thoughts. Are they really true? No, they aren’t.

What’s true is that newer scientific findings are slow to take hold in mainstream practice. There’s a lot of gravity to the way things have always been done, plus institutional and corporate agendas, intentionally preferring to not rock the boat.

What’s true is that neuroscience shows us how willing to change the brain really is - and how quickly and easily change can happen. It’s astonishing, but I see it happen every single day - so the proof is in my clients, my colleagues, my children, and myself.

Once we were told that drugs kill brain cells and those brain cells never grow back. Neuroscience has called absolute bullshit on that.

Once we were told that our brain was in our skull and our digestive system was in our belly and our heart was the center of the cardiovascular system. Now we know, thanks to neuroscience, that there are concentrations of neurons (thinking cells) in both our gut and in our heart. Neuroscience has updated our understanding of one mind in the head to three minds - head, heart, and gut.

Once we thought people were either left-brained or right-brained and that the left and right hemispheres of the brain were in charge of vastly different types of processing and tasks. Did you know that this has also been disproven and is a myth?

I’ve been professionally trained in this work. I warmly invite you to allow me to show you how really powerful, really fast, and really good it is - truly.

Want a fun, playful taste of this work?

Jump on a change call!

This is a 30 min long call where you bring something very specific to work with - one memory with emotional charge, one habit you want to create, one habit you want to break, or one trigger you want to stop being so reactive to.

Paradigm Disrupt details:

4 sessions over 4-8 weeks.

(Once 8 weeks from the first session date have passed, any outstanding unscheduled sessions are forfeit. Please schedule your sessions in advance and limit reschedules to emergencies.)

Each session is 50-60 min long.

Each session is recorded and the recording is sent to you.

During the package, there is additional support via email, messenger or text as needed.

I also often provide bonus recordings of (call it what feels better to you) hypnotic inductions OR meditations with an agenda for you to have and listen to as desired.

Tuition: $450

(For those who desire long term coaching, please inquire and I can create an extended package.)

Are we a good fit?

I love working with parents who feel overwhelmed, regretful, and (if they’re being honest) hate parenting. (Don’t worry - we resolve all the stuff that feels so shameful! That’s why I’m working with you.)

I love working with parents who have above average (whatever that means) parenting challenges, such as single/solo parenting, difficult co-parent situations, chaos children (you know what I mean right? lol), or lots of overstimulation or triggers.

I love working with anyone (you don’t have to be a parent!) who wants to make big change. A big decision, a big identity shift, a big update to your self-concept, a big life transformation, a big career move, a big pivot…you get the idea!

Book a fun 30 min call to play and test the waters: