Parenting Intensive

6 extended 1:1 sessions

6 workshops

6 self-study, creative, experiential exercises

+ limited text/voice memo coaching

+ lifetime access to the Radical Praxis Membership Community


What we’re doing:

  • Discovering your parenting praxis (praxis = practice/ritual/style/way/worldview/philosophy).

  • Exploring your parenting as though it were a meta-assignment from the Cosmic Center for Soul Development.

  • Learning how we are the counter-shape to our child’s shape.

  • Accessing rest, energy, and joy —— through grief. (Yes, grief)

  • Learning our own nervous system and safety cues; building our own resource trove.

  • Learning our kiddo’s nervous system and safety cues; building their resource trove.

  • Examining and de-activating parenting triggers (places where we over-react, want to change how we react, or suffer discomfort in how our body automatically reacts).

  • Decolonizing parenting; decolonizing ourselves; decolonizing our children.

  • Learning how the medicine and wisdom of neurodivergence helps everyone.

  • Calling in and tangibly creating the next version of who we want to be as parents.

  • Seeding the future with good ancestry and a parenting legacy we can be proud of.

  • Examining trance as a way to multi-task deep shifts and deep rest.

  • Examining astrology as a way to increase relational skill and increase tolerance of difference/friction with ourselves and our child.

  • Having fun, playing, learning, being nurtured, being seen, being held, being expanded, being unshamed.

  • Writing letters (intentionally vague + enigmatic).

The intensive is geared towards “seeding” and “excavating” shifts, which can (and should, for maximum results) then be further explored and integrated in on-going work with a practioner or self-facilitated.

For the parenting intensive, the focus is on initiating/seeding deep shifts around parenting identity and patterns.

At the end of the intensive, you'll feel notable relief, clarity, empowerment and deep identity-level movement, as well as have novel, pragmatic, hands-on knowledge, tools, techniques, and strategies.

A note: A Vibe Check is always a good idea - let’s make sure we’re a good mutual fit. You can also listen to the podcast episodes that contain live, unedited coaching to get a very granular, intimate feel for what working with me looks and feels like. You can also find me on Facebook to peruse my updates and micro-essays.


12 week container

(You have 15 weeks from the date of the first session to complete the Intensive sessions. Any unused sessions expire after 15 weeks.)

Zoom Sessions

Extended sessions can run up to 80 min. 6 Sessions total. Sessions are semi-weekly (every other week).

A perennial priority scheduling link lets you schedule sessions at any time, as long as you schedule at least 24 hours in advance.

Asynchronous Coaching

You have access to limited asynchronous coaching.

Asynchronous coaching means texting + voice memos through voxer (a free app) or FB messenger.

I strive for a 24 hour reply time but please allow for up to 48 hours - and, it could also be minutes. There’s no official limits on asynchronous communication, but organic limits such as my energy, my schedule, and other demands impact my ability to respond.


Payment is remitted at the beginning of the Intensive. Payment plans and justice pricing are available.

Let’s Begin!

To begin, you’ll remit payment for the intensive (if you need a payment plan, book a Vibe Check call to work out details first), book your first session, and fill out an intake form: