accessing the unconscious through deliberate, symbolic acts that invoke change

$298/participant EARLY BIRD - limited spots.

The psychomagic framework understands there are two overlapping realities - the mundane reality that our brain has a heavy hand in shaping.

And - the magical reality that exists beyond our brain’s limits and filters.

The Psychomagic Act is intentional integration of both realities, so both are changed.

Magic is received by the non—analytical brain. It is our own rationality that often interferes with magic.

The Psychomagic Act integrates left & right brain. The Psychomagic Act becomes the evidence the left brain seeks, executed in language the right brain can understand.


Lecture released 1 week prior to live gathering.

In-person gathering Location TBD (but within 1 hr drive of Denver)

Date TBD - either Sat Nov 2 or Sun Nov 3

Non-alcoholic drinks + vegetarian light bites provided

Virtual Gathering: Saturday, Dec. 14, 11am-2pm MT, on zoom

Register on or before Oct. 4 - $298

Register after Oct. 4 - $368

What can Psychomagic Acts accomplish?

  • Liberation from fear or anxiety

  • Liberation from patterns of stuckness in career, money, relationships, creativity

  • Liberation from past resentments or wrongs and from obsessive justice or attention seeking

  • Creation of the ability to access joy/ satisfaction/ peace where it didn’t exist before

  • Acceleration of success + progress + healing

  • Strengthening of personal empowerment, trust and faith

  • Helping skeptics access magical consciousness

  • Dopamine activation

What exactly is a psychomagical act?

  • A very precise, specific, personalized form of magic - not one size fits all

  • A blend of the individual unconscious, of collective and personal symbols, of the desired future outcome, and of relevant, physical actions, and a consistent process

  • Intentional evidence creation that you are who you want to be

  • A safer, more resourced way of walking the edges of fear and risk

  • A mobilization of creativity and will

  • There are some things a psychomagical act is NOT - you will learn these as well

What exactly does this workshop contain?

  • A pre-recorded audio/video lecture that explains the psychomagical act and lays out the process in detail - yours to keep forever

  • Examples of Psychomagic Acts to reference and draw inspiration from

  • An experiential in-person gathering (somewhere in or close to Denver) where all participants (a small, intimate group) bring a challenge, assess it, and create a psychomagical act around it - 2-3 hrs.

  • A follow-up virtual gathering where we share the experience and results of our executed psychomagical acts - 2-3 hrs.

  • PDF: Psychomagic How-to Quick Guide

  • PDF: References + Recommended Reading

$298 EARLY BIRD/$368 participant. Limited spots available.

Why Psychomagic Acts?

  • Psychomagic Acts are one of the most powerful forms of magic I’ve encountered

  • Psychomagic Acts are a great way to break up stuckness, overwhelm, apathy

  • Have been personally so impactful that I want to share

  • A novel and useful way of working with fear and risk - 2 of the big things that hold us back

  • A relatively easy way to powerfully inject your everyday life with magic

“Actively seek out fear. I had no idea how much of my life’s energy was being used up trying to avoid fear. I also had no idea how life-giving it would be to face what I felt most afraid of. It’s been a natural antidepressant for me.”

-Andrea Gibson

Your facilitator: Celestyna Brozek Wild (she/they) has a Mars in Pisces and therefore is naturally inclined to make things happen and go after what they want using magic and non-mundane methods. They are a professional astrologer, human design analyst, parent and relationship coach, and esoteric teacher. Celestyna has been working with coaching and magic their whole life, but devoted their full-time career to it in 2020.