Analysis Excerpt:
This is a very earthy chart- you like things to be realistic, tangible, practical and not paced too fast. You need to take your time and make sure to have your bearings before taking the next logical step. Ideally you'll need some feedback from the environment or the situation - or "proof of concept" before getting too far ahead. This combo of air + earth is what my mentor calls the "scientist" - you're rational but need empirical proof.
There is a sense of having a bit of spiritual anxiety or doubt or dismissal - the numinous, artistic, and irrational doesn't sit well with your dominant nature. Or maybe you approach spirituality in a very practical, rational, structured way, where you try exceptionally hard to "practice what you preach" and have your spirituality make sense and integrate with earthy practicality and actual present existence.
There is a sense of knowing that you are unique and special - like truly - and feeling pulled to offer that to the world in a practical, helpful, possibly service oriented way. Offering your unique talents and your unique way of being/seeing/explaining is something that is important to your self-concept and your path and purpose.
client reply:
Thank you so much for your insight and perspective! This is spot on. The past month maybe I have been feeling the need to start my spiritual path. I have been looking so much into this that it is overwhelming and debilitating I don’t know where to start. So it is amazing to me that you can see that in my chart.