My session with Celestyna was super helpful. I was drawn to her work because it felt more analytical, detailed, and structured than a lot of other astrologers. The way she communicated was more logical and had more vocabulary - the exactitude of the interpretation was a factor that drew me. The analysis felt streamlined and systematic. What especially stood out was confirmation of the way I experience the opposition of myself and the collective.
Going deeper into and re-interpreting my experience of my relationship with social interactions was also insightful. Learning more about not having any placements in social houses or signs and realizing that I’ve been weirdly focused on that in my life, constantly ruminating on feeling like I should cultivate friendships but feeling resistance - that was unconscious and a funny shadow pattern I didn’t recognize until this session.
Something practical to work with moving forward - the friendship piece. I’ve been sitting on that for a minute and the session revealed that I don’t have permission to just throw it away. Hearing that I need to focus on it motivates me to at least start walking down that path instead of running away from it. Especially since my ego was hoping to hear permission to run. And Celestyna threw out an idea - a podcast - that I like as an idea of an access point into this relational energy I’ve been avoiding.