Excerpt (posted with permission):

Client: I'm quite knowledgeable about my chart, but I want to ask for an opinion. Are there signs of adopting a child later in life? I won't have pregnancies and I am very content to be childfree, but I'm open to options if life brings them.

Celestyna: I would get really clear on WHY you want to adopt and peel away the layers around that answer - I say this because your planet of nurturing is in an area of your life where you are being asked to do deep self-analysis and face your shadows and repressions.

There *will* be layers to peel back with Moon intercepted in 12H. I think the Chiron and North Node in 5th are driving this awareness and pull towards adoption - the Chiron is VERY aware that not all children are loved/wanted, and that RESONATES with something in you.

And the NN is a sense that you're somehow supposed to move towards 5H experiences (which definitely children are ONE 5H theme - not the end all and be all of living out 5H experiences) in this life, no matter how foreign/unattainable/scary they might feel.

But: watch the South Node in Aries - be really clear on the motivation - because SN in Aries is used to doing stuff impulsively and for the Self.

Client: Yes, you are very right. This helped a lot. You've voiced very clearly and on point so many pages of this Chiron-Nodes combo. I will save this answer.

