Parent is asking about parenting guilt and anxiety.

Celestyna’s Response (Excerpt):

I think, especially if the parents are conscious and really operationalizing their self-awareness and self-growth work, a child's moon sign really only describes early childhood impressions of the parent, not the long term perception of the parent or the health of the relationship.

Mom guilt and parenting anxiety are on brand for moon in Virgo, especially since yours is in the grand trine with Saturn, Venus, and Mars. My sense is that you want to feel likable and competent as a mother, while also feeling very secure and stable, and without any of your precisely arranged life going awry. My sense is that this is not your experience (news flash, it isn't ANY parent's experience!! Mostly, parents feel plunged into chaos and uncertainty with very little relational and absolutely zero systemic support).

All that earth and those planets make parenting feel like a very big responsibility and obligation that you absolutely have to get right and live up to. And if anything happens that makes you think you are failing, it's very hard for you.

And yes, those moon signs (Scorpio and Pisces) require a very specific style of nurturing. The Scorpio Moon NEEDS a truthful explanation for the emotional atmosphere, even if the emotions are very hard and heavy. Scorpio Moon also needs time to feel comfortable with new people/places and may act shy. Scorpio Moon also needs to know that they are safe to express their deepest, most intense emotions in a big, intense way. Scorpio Moon needs to be LOVED for their intensity and depth-resonance, not feared for it.

Pisces Moon is very sensitive and is seeking a certain feeling, there is a longing to feel something, you'll know it when you feel it. Pisces Moon needs appropriate and healthy places and ways to "escape" and "float" that are not part of mundane, earthy life. A heavy earth mom (you) might not get this at all and might be very uncomfortable with something that looks like being lazy, daydreaming, being really into art/tv/video games/music/etc. It is your job to manage the Pisces Moon so they don't completely float off, but also know that this type of escape/floating is actually vital to their emotional safety and health.

Pisces Moon needs help separating their emotions for others. They will instinctively take responsibility for someone else's feeling state, so helping them know that they are not responsible for fixing how other people feel OR for taking on that feeling as their own feeling.

