Soul Re-Wilding Sessions

Soul re-wilding is taking our soul and rehabilitating it from what Francis Weller calls “flatline culture.”

It means re-connecting to our deep, alive, wildness, magic, complexity, and paradox.

It is rehabilitating our ability to feel and express those feelings and be with ourselves fully in the feelings and in their full expression.

It means increasing our capacity for both Hell realm and ecstatic/erotic peak experiences - we are deepening the sinusoidal peaks and troughs, increasing our willingness and ability to experience life’s intensity, and the interpenetration of our whole aliveness and the whole aliveness of the world.

Soul re-wilding is re-opening to the soul’s inherent indigeneity despite the immediate discomfort and friction that causes as it rubs up against modern culture - the double bind of conformity and hyper-individualism.

Soul re-wilding involves working with grief, shadow, and shame. If you think you don’t have grief, shadow, or shame, you’ve got another think coming, but it’s ok - these are portals to gratitude and magic.

How to meet your own Soul: walk through fires until it remembers the shape of its own Burning. Shed layers until you get close enough to your core to sense your own boiling magic.

Everything in our bodies is a portal to the soul space of our eternal wildness. Roar with your heart and run towards yourself.

In soul rewilding sessions, we may work with some of these modalities: gentle hypnosis, visioning, writing, astrological analysis, story telling, coaching, ritual creation/enactment.

Feel more alive.

Trust yourself and the Universe more.

Fall in love with yourself and your life.

You are an offering.

Step into your power.

Walk away from expectations, run towards yourself.

Tell the truth, over and over again.

I want to experience the terror of myself.

I want to open secret doors with beautiful swords.

I want to let my heart out of my mouth onto my sleeve into the sky.

I want to let tentacular timelines grab my ankles and drag me down into the depths of futures, caressing me like currents.

I want to bleed out, bleed in, let the moments I performed sparkle like garnets in my wake, mining my own life.

I want to seduce my life, watch it lust for me, feel its eyes on my breasts, hear it sigh with longing.

Your desire is the precipice - jump.


12 sessions // 3 months

60 min // weekly calls