Dreaming Community Into Being


A bi-monthly community offering. This is a virtual event and takes place online.

A co-witnessing, co-regulation, and co-unfolding space.

We begin with a 5 minute poem/idea/reading.

Then we open up for gentle coaching (if you ask for it), unshaming (ht David Bedrick) & acceptance for the parts of you that need space, honoring exactly how circumstances find you, and rewilding the parts of you that feel trapped.

I will be with people 1:1 while the rest of the group witnesses. It's first come, first serve, using the raise hand function on zoom.

While this is recorded for my own personal review, there is no replay sent out, and this is a space that is kept private between the participants.

2-2.5 hours, $6 to join

A bi-monthly community offering. This is a virtual event and takes place online.

This is like Cocoon Group Coaching except it is lensed through your natal chart, accessing the perspective, myths, archetypes and richness of astrology to invite enchantment and to see your question/issue in a light that is profoundly self-honoring and self-illuminating.

You must have ON HAND: your birth info, including your an ACCURATE birth time (best if it is obtained from a birth certificate).

Times and dates coming soon.

Star Strata