capricorn mercury retrograde square aries moon
General Mercury-Moon musings:
Mercury-Moon contacts may want to write their memoirs. Moon relates to nostalgia, memory, where we come from, what shaped us in our early years. Mercury relates to what we feel pulled to think, write, and talk about.
Because Moon relates to feelings and instincts, Moon-Mercury may also enter a therapeutic or coaching profession, or to bring the writing back in, may write about self-help or self-growth.
A more abstract but no less valid Moon-Mercury may use poetry or less concrete types of writing for self expression and the exploration and navigation of felt emotions.
Mercury retrograde:
Hypothesis: Mercury rx may prefer writing or texting instead of speaking or spontaneously presenting something verbally.
Mercury rx may enjoy spending time alone just with their thoughts; lost in thought, deep in thought, wool-gathering, etc.
Mercury rx may need extra space, time, or privacy to formulate responses or develop ideas.
Capricorn Mercury square Aries Moon:
Capricorn Mercury (esp retrograde) square Aries Moon is reserved when it comes to therapy. It wants to independently self-analyze. It has a hard time abnegating or even sharing leadership of its psychological world.
It wants to be the sole authority of its mental health narrative. Or - to be more honest, it has a hard time admitting it might need help. Capricorn is supposed to be the one who helps, and who is deeply self-reliant, not the other way around. It can feel like a crisis of identity to ask for help. How can it be that a Capricorn mind “is not strong enough?” That feels humiliating or shameful - at least to a Capricorn Mercury which is fiercely independent and deeply attached to its own competency, nay, authority.
To enter a therapeutic container, it needs someone rarified enough that it grants them its trust and respect - a relatively rare occurrence.
Capricorn Mercury wants to control the narrative. Capricorn Mercury with a Moon contact adds the nuance that controlling the narrative makes us feel safe and comforted on a deep instinctive emotional level. And the opposite is true - losing control of the narrative is stressful, and puts us on the defensive.
capricorn mercury:
Regarding what I wrote above with therapy: it is the same with Capricorn Mercury asking for help when learning. It is hard admitting they need extra support or a different learning container. Capricorn wants to be independent and competent at the very least, if not totally masterful, within the established structures, protocols and expectations.
Capricorn Mercury tends to worry and catastrophize. It is primed to both detect and prevent crisis. This is underscored when it is placed in the 6th house - the house of service and devotion, and of wanting to help, and needing to be of help. Another way to see this is to synthesize the archetypes of Virgo (6H) and Capricorn.
6H Mercury Capricorn is a brain that spends a lot of time imagining both crisis and imagining how to resolve or prevent crisis.
Curious where your Mercury is located? Want to know more about how you explain yourself to yourself (and to others)? An easy place to start is with a 1/2 hr or full hour chart analysis. See all my offerings here.