personal chart analysis insights
I look at my chart fairly often. Usually it’s because I read something new and exciting and I want to check and test my new knowledge through the chart I know best - my own.
10H is associated with career/work/our public visibility/how the public perceives us/our offering to the world. I have Chiron in the 10H. Chiron is associated with our unhealable wound. Sometimes we work with this wound by trying to learn everything we possibly can in order to heal it - and what ends up happening is though we are perhaps not able to heal ourselves, we have amassed a lot of knowledge and compassion - and we are able to heal many others with similar wounding because of this amassing of knowledge.
My Chiron is in the sign of Taurus (physical embodiment, sensuality, beauty as resource) and is contacting Venus, the planet that relates to beauty and being desired. I read this to mean that my wound was about my acne - it was a physical wound around my beauty and my desirability.
So it aligned well with my chart that what I ended up doing for work was creating skincare specifically designed to mitigate acne. There is also a sense that Taurus likes anything sensual - and I did love the sensuality of creating the potions - the scents, textures, ingredient stories, and the relatively meditative pacing of formulation and manufacturing.
This was further corroborated by my 6H Sun - 6H is about wanting to offer something practical, useful and helpful. 6H Suns like to be of service.
So why did I have such a hard time showing up for work after a time? Why did I feel uninspired and extremely resistant?
In my personal chart (not saying it will be the same for any of you) there were a few other factors:
1) My Sun has a Pluto contact - not only do I like to regularly reinvent and evolve my identity, but transformation around how I shine my essence into the world comes for me whether I like it or not. My Sun is also an Aquarius - when I got into skincare, my brand was viewed as renegade, rebellious, and outré but as time passed the market got saturated and my brand lost its novelty - this hits Aquarius especially hard - to be relegated to status quo or no longer avant-garde.
2) My Mercury, the planet of cognition and communication, is also in the 6H - it also was yearning to be of service somehow! Not only that - it was in the sign of Capricorn - the sign that wants to be the leader, crisis-averter, sole savior of the group, and successful mountain climber - it thrives on challenge and tough conditions and work. Capricorn plus 6H is like a double underscore - this is a mind that loves to work! But I was neglecting it. When I had first started my business, it was challenging and exciting learning and devising and testing everything. But after a time, all I was doing was marketing, manufacturing and shipping - it was super repetitive and nothing rewarding or challenging to it.
3) Which brings me to my Aries Moon. Another placement that thrives on challenge and novelty. Moon is the hardest planet to not have happy. If our Moon is not being nurtured, we legit wilt. And that is what happened to me. I was like a plant slowly dying. I was irritable and high functioning depressed. My Moon is in the 9H, the house that pertains to learning, adventure, and meaning making.
It was when I started pursuing astrology more seriously that my wilted leaves perked up - this was novel, challenging, and had plenty for me to learn, and was literally a meaning-making framework!
Doing a deeper, psychology based coaching and astrology hybrid practice, frankly speaking, speaks to, nourishes, and soothes far more of my placements than skincare ever did. My Aquarius 6H Sun is happy, my Capricorn 6H Mercury is getting its needs met finally, Libra Pluto is pleased by the therapeutic depths that a deeper 1:1 astrological practice accesses, Aries 9H Moon is finally content, and Aquarius Venus is also aligned with it.
Moon and Mercury may not be the first places we look when we sketch the lines of a career for a client, but astrology is an art where the best practitioners may create their own “cookbook” or style of chart synthesis based on personal experience and education, but also, and this is key, work with each client uniquely, taking on each chart with a mix of curiosity, humbleness, intuition, and craft.
Chiron is still in my 10H and I still have wounding around how I’m perceived publicly and in my career. Will people like my offerings? Will they like working with me? But Chiron in my 10H is also about deepening knowledge and wisdom and using what I learn to help heal. Astrology definitely helped heal me, and I am profoundly committed to passing it on.