Aries is for lovers

My thoughts on the medicine of Aries:


Aries is the energy of the brave beginner. Of the naive and clumsy but genuine and bold ATTEMPT.


With Aries, we focus on the quality of the EFFORT not on the quality of the RESULTS.


With Aries what matters is imperfect action, not perfect outcome.


With Aries, we unshame failure. We unshame clumsiness. We unshame anything we do to dance with fear, no matter how silly or vulnerable or quirky it is.


Because in the end, we are brave enough to ask fear to dance.


Aries medicine is the medicine of the Fool. Of risk. Of vulnerability. Of exposure.


To Aries, everything is foreign. And still Aries meets everything, like a trusting golden retriever, thrusting into experience, oblivious to danger.


Aries is trusting. Deeply trusting. Aries loves the world and is shaped by coming into contact with it, is actualized by exchange and conflict/collaboration. By friction and collision.


Aries offers itself.


If Aries didn't venture, it would remain unshaped.


Aries ventures.


Aries doesn't know that it doesn't know.


omg what a gift - what would that feel like?


Aries is beginner's luck. It is not constrained by rules, protocols, expectations, history, tradition. It doesn't know these things yet. And because it doesn't know these things, they're not yet "real."


Aries is impulse. instinct. fire. possibility. potential.


Aries is courage. And the root of courage is "put your heart into" which implies that you're taking your heart out of, out of safety.


For Aries season, where do you need to allow yourself to be the Fool, and can you do this in a way where it doesn't hijack your entirety? Can you be both the Fool and Elder? Both the Fool and the Trickster?


For Aries, where do you need to let go of expectations, rules, tradition? Where can you imagine a blank slate of possibility?


For Aries, what needs to burn? So you can be faster? More impulsive? Seriously, where do you need/want to be more impulsive?


For Aries, what does it mean that the world is your teacher and in order to be taught you must begin colliding? You must seek out feedback?


For Aries, where can you increase and embolden attempting?


Aries is actualization. What do you want to actualize?


Go be fire. Go be sparks. Go be new.


img: James A. Kaufman & Associates, Owl Café, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1986


ps omg New Mexico speaking of putting your heart into something.


truth vs. helpfulness


every feeling is unique