every feeling is unique

Not just tolerating my children’s sadness but honestly welcoming it with reverence.


Sadness, I am glad you are here. Sadness, you have something important to tell us, we’re listening with wide openness.


Sadness, you are an honored guest.


Sadness, I have no agenda with you. Stay for as long as you like. I am deeply relaxed and at peace around you.


It hits different. For me and for them.


And don’t get me wrong. A part of me rears up, agitated, impatient, disassociated.


That part I label “living memory.” That’s what it is. It’s the part that is getting reminded of the past because something similar (maybe. definitely not the same) to what happened *then* is happening now.


I ask it to step aside. I’m not interested in what I learned about sadness in the past.


My past learning gets in the way of my deepest gentleness.


I’m interested in this new, now, one of a kind sadness.


Living memory is relevant maybe, but also unhelpful. But thank you, brain. This sadness will be different.


*I* will be different with this sadness.


Aries is for lovers


parenting is confronting our fear of our own children