Client: Career options please!

Celestyna: It seems like you really, really want to be of practical help and of service, and out in the world contributing something useful and healing.

BUT ALSO - you really, really want solitude and privacy and unstructured time. There is a sense that whatever you choose to do, you'll need space to evolve and change it - not something super steady, but more like a series of projects, or having more than one "gig" at a time.

There is the need to be genuinely curious about and mentally engaged with what you do - boredom is anethema. There is a sense that perfectionism or self-criticism could interfere with choosing your course or enjoying your work to the fullest.

Client: I always have many projects going on, I can’t seem to just stick with one. And that’s my problem with picking a career. Working a regular job is so soul draining. I literally get depressed on another level. I’m finishing real estate courses now. Idk how full filling that is going to be

I love solitude, I have to have balance of going out and staying in, and I have a never ending curiosity about many things. It changes from time to time.

And yes! Very critical of myself, it holds me back a lot!!!

Celestyna: There could be a way to make real estate very healing - helping people find homes, put down roots, establish that sort of generational wealth, deciding to work with underserved demographics, idk....I would really get curious about esoteric jobs - you may need the kind of work where when you tell someone what you do, they say: I never even knew that kind of job existed!

And this may sound weird, but you may find yourself doing a lot of different stuff, achieving what feels like "closure" with that line of work, and moving onto something different, just all throughout your life.

I would be really cautious with this chart to look to the over-culture or societal norms as a bar of progress or as something to aspire to or as a measure of failure - you will be doing your work in a very original, possibly roundabout way, and that is right for you and for your chart. Don't let the overlords shame/confuse you lol.

Client: That really resonated! I would love to have my own metaphysical shop, but go above the basics of herbs, crystals, candles and decor. I want to do past life regressions, reiki healing, helping people resolve karma through astrology, and really teaching others about past lives and how a soul works, make natural herbs and remedies , make my own candles and so much more. I also love art, so I’d like a few artistic projects, and maybe even write about my life to share with others and give them hope to push forward when it feels like life is stacked against them.

I also love music, and play a couple of instruments. Sing a little, would love to produce music to help others heal and awaken.

So I have a list of things that people deem very interesting and odd.

I have had the thought about real estate being healing and setting up people on new foundations. It’s very money driven, and half my chart is Capricorn, especially my moon. But I don’t want to be ruled by money. I need my freedom.

Celestyna: That - what you just said - felt authentic energetically! That felt very aligned and fulfilling for you! AND - think of the Capricorn not as pulling against that but as giving you the business chops, ambition and strategy to achieve success at it - with reputation, demand, and financial success.

It's interesting because Cancer has to do with home/sanctuary/safety/belonging and that does feed back into real estate. With the Capricorn there is definitely the sense of wanting to take charge in order to help, there are themes of staying in your lane (not over-helping) and also maybe helping others become more self-reliant and self-resourceful.

The Taurus MC says a lot about going at your own pace but also working with the body (like energy/body work), or with tangible, material things (like a metaphysical shop) the Taurus MC also underscores that if you aren't "comfy" and genuinely heart-pleased with your work, it will be VERY hard to do...lots of creaturely Taurus resistance lol

Client: Your intuition was spot on, and with both charts is resonates. I’m a Leo rising, and therefore creative expression and freedom is top priority.

Thank you so much for your insight! I truly appreciate it!

It felt really right saying it.

That Taurus midheaven just takes that slow build to get me there!

Again, I truly appreciate you!

