random thoughts part 9
"We live in a world that says you can't have that, BUT IT'S A NORMAL BRAIN DIFFERENCE. Brains are like faces, they are all different."
-Juliane Taylor Shore on ADHD (shouty emphasis mine)
how often do you wonder about what you could be not realizing? so many learnings are alive in our bodies.
everything we do makes total sense. there's *always* internal unconscious coherence. we may not understand it consciously, but can you trust that *you make sense?*
one of the most powerful things I ever did was give specific sensations in my body both an intelligence and a voice.
where are you judging your people? (your partner, your kids?) where are you judging yourself? where is judgement making love hard? where is judgement making life hard(er than it needs to be)?
Letting my kids sleep even if it makes us late for school. Honoring the rhythms of nature over the rhythms of supremacist patriarchy. gentleness is the revolution. Internal orientation is the rewilding.
Saturn songs for Jupiter nights.