Taurean kink; the not-male gaze

I want to talk about Taurean kink.


Kink as centering sensual (even general) pleasure as opposed to sexual pleasure. Like, just, what feels good. Lazy good, basic good, meeting such a deep and vulnerable need it makes you cry good. All the goods.


Moderation kink, understanding that we have natural boundaries, limits and capacities around receiving and experiencing pleasure.


Sometimes expanding capacity for pleasure is the move. Sometimes honoring the existing capacity for pleasure is. More is not always more.


Honoring everyone who is asexual, gray ace or otherwise on the ace spectrum.


Wanting to muse on an intriguing kink, as a single mom, is a mommy kink. Wanting to be nurtured and taken care of. Wanting to be held, allowed to be helpless. Being fed. Being soothed. Allowed to be childlike. The most taboo thing for a parent is to want to be a child.


Kink in connection to deprivation. The reasons we get deprived. Rendering something taboo is one pathway to deprivation. Asking a human adult to parent a human child is another.


Wanting to fold in one kink-adjacent piece - what femme sexuality looks like completely outside of patriarchal constructs. Even what femme sensuality looks like - again if we look through the NOT-male gaze.


What even is the NOT-male gaze? Where to begin?


Things about me that shouldn't be mysteries remain mysteries and I feel myself grow impatient and irritated at all the veils I have to tear off of a soul that never explicitly consented to be embalmed by the status quo.


As you can tell, I'm in a mood. A hunting mood. A howling mood.


These are the hunting-howling things that are my kink. Things that feel dangerous, that feel true, that feel unspoken, that feel hunty-howly. Exposing these hunty-howly things and partaking of them like the delicacies they are.


(Like a bear turning over a rock and feasting on the bugs underneath nestled in a rock shaped bowl of moist packed soil.)


random musings part 12


the two sets of eyes of love